Wednesday, February 28, 2018


                         Richard,father and Gus went hunting after the heavy snow had stopped.
They went to their hunting cabin and stayed there.On Sunday morning before sunrise, the 
three of them went down the river and found a pool where deer came to drink.They hid to 
wait for a deer to come.Richard was nervous because his father wanted him to shoot his
 first deer. A deer come to the pool and his father instructed Richard to shoot instead 
of his brother.Richard could not kill the animal and he missed the shot.Gus was angry
 and wanted to shoot the deer but Pa stopped him. Pa told them that they were 
leaving and sometimes hunters missed their shot.Richard's father asked him why
 he left the buck go  on purpose and he told him that he didn't like to kill animal and
 that he didn't like killing
 rabbit before.Pa told him that death is a part of life and that Pa also felt some grief after
 killing. Pa told Richard not to come hunting anymore if he didn't want to. Richard went
 back to the cabin and gave him some advice.Gus wanted Richard to be in sports and
 fit in with others.Richard asked Gus how he felt killing animal and Gus told him that he 
felt no remorse at all.Then,Richard knew that Pa and Gus had different feelings about 
hunting and killing animal.When their father comeback.They started walking back home 
and talked about war in europe since 1914.Gus wanted to join the army but Pa said that
 without education , you went nowhere but after school they could do whatever they
 wanted to do.That night at dinner while Pa and Gus wer talking about sports,
boxing in general,Richard went to the kitchen to help his sister
,Angie.He felt sad and pitiful that 
Angie had to stop school and stayed at home as full time farm's woman organising the 
house and helping with the farm. However Angie said that it was her duty and father
 was a difficult man because he lost two people in his life.After that,Richard went up 
to his room and he remembered the first time he went hunting with Pa, Gus and 
Grandpa.When granpa killed a deer,Richard tried his best not to cry.To take away
 the sadness,he wrote a poem.

My crayons made it white and brown,
Nature made it shy,
God made it fleet of food,
But Grandpa made it die.

Richard felt better after writing down the poem and then he kept at his poetry .
No one knew Richard wrote poetry and he did not want them to know because to
 them he already strange.


Time : The early morning, February ,War raging 1914.

Place : Tiny hunting cabin, near the pool in the forest , Prairie,Dining

Human vs nature
Family Relationship

Moral values
  1. We must appreciate the nature by protecting in anyway possible
  2. We have to accept our family members for who they are

Directed Writing

Is it good to study at home or should we stay in a hostel?

Now let us discuss the pros and cons of both :
The advantages of studying in a hostel are as follows:
  • Students get self reliant and learns to look after himself or herself from an early age
  • They get responsible as they have only themselves to bank on.
  • They form strong team of study mates and exchange informations and ideas.
  • They become adept in handling unfavourable situations .
The advantages of Home study:
  • The proximity of family enhances the emotional balance
  • The nourishment in form of food comes easy when you are studying from home
  • The access to different mediums of information become much more handy while staying at home
  • Freedom and comfort are much more while studying from home.
The disadvantages a student may face studying at hostel are manifold:
  • They lack the warmth of having the family around.
  • They miss out on conducive study environment.
  • In absence of a good hostel coordinator a student may suffer from ill access to various mediums of information.
  • Not much freedom to study at one’s whims and fancies.
The disadvantages of home study:
  • The students get too much dependent on the family members for comfort and other amenities.
  • They tend to take life easily.
Thus we need to strike a balance and it is basically dependent on the calibre and sincerity of the student. If the student is sincere enough, no matter from where he is studying, he is bound to do well!

DW --> Focus on Informal letter ( a letter to a friend...)...
CW ---> Bully, hobby that makes someone famous, etc
Literature ---> Novel- chapter 1

good luck